David Pyle is a volcanologist whose work has taken him to active volcanoes around the world. His recent focus lies at the interface of volcanism and society, including current projects in the Caribbean, that use ‘hidden histories’ of past eruptions as a starting point for creative engagement.
Featured publications
IA Taylor, RG Grainger, AT Prata, SR Proud, TA Mather, and DM Pyle, 2023, A satellite chronology of plumes from the April 2021 eruption of La Soufrière, St Vincent, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23, 15209–15234
J Barclay, R Robertson, JP Scarlett, DM Pyle & TM Armijos, 2022, Disaster Aid? Mapping historical responses to volcanic eruptions from 1800-2000 in the English speaking Eastern Caribbean: their role in creating vulnerabilities. Disasters 46 (S1), S10-S50.
J Barclay, R Few, MT Armijos, JC Phillips, DM Pyle, AJ Hicks, SK Brown, RE Robertson, 2019, Livelihoods, wellbeing and the risk to life during volcanic eruptions, Frontiers in Earth Science, 7: 205